The idea of keeping a blog for all 365 days of the year is one that started to work it's way into my mind last week. Ideally, I would blog each day, including a picture that reflects something that happened that day. I have a friend who does a version of this...and it is awesome and sooooo funny! Routine and I are not usually the best of friends. So this may be slightly sporadic, but we'll see!
That idea, coupled with the fact that we just watched "Julie and Julia", led me back to the blog I attempted to start a year or so ago! I'm clearly getting started a little late for all 365 days to be included. We'll see....
The most important thing for me at this point is to include photos. I have been teaching myself more about photography and editing. This will be another way to force myself to practice daily!

This is a picture of Claire yesterday. She worked with these little "iron together" beads for the better part of the afternoon. At that point in the kid's Christmas vacation....anything that kept their interest for more than 5 minutes was a lifesaver!