So I thought I would check up on my blog today. I found that it has been over a year since I last made an entry. Funny thing is, reading that last post, I sounded ready to take on the blog world. Makes me wonder what happened directly after that. Maybe someone got sick, too many snowdays? Who really knows? But clearly I got off track.
I'm thinking of trying to really get blogging as part of my Lenten resolution(s). As in most areas of my life, I like to make lots of BIG changes all at once. Instead of the recommended small, one step at a time changes. You know, the type a person can actually follow through on. Instead, I pretty much set myself up for failure. So for Lent I'm giving up Facebook, adding in more time to just BE, and then thought maybe I would completely try to redo our finances. As part of a "less is more" campaign I'm preparing to wage. That seems like a lot to do in a 40 day period. It does all tie together though, in MY mind anyway. Pushing out the UNNECESSARY to appreciate the gifts (in all ways) we've been given. Please tell me this makes sense to someone else and it's not just me?
So we'll see. Maybe we'll chat again tomorrow...but if all else fails, 2012 is right around the corner.