Gage is playing Little League coach pitch baseball. He really enjoys it. He's already getting a bit better and loves to practice. His team is 1st and 2nd graders. What a difference a year makes! Those 2nd graders are so....BIG!
Claire participated over Mother's Day weekend in the dance recital for her dance school. It was adorable. The girls her age just kept looking around, doing their own thing. Sometimes getting parts of the routine in the right spots! She had a purple and yellow costume with flowers for ballet and a penguin costume for tap! She really got into getting flowers and presents for family and friends that came to see her perform. I kept reminding her people don't HAVE to bring something. How special it is just to have her loved ones there....I hope she got it!

Brady just keeps "growing up" on us more and more everyday! He looks forward to eating toast in the morning...and now likes to eat it in the big boy chair at the table. I think we may be able to get rid of the booster seat now! He's stringing 3-4 words together and starting to make a lot more sense. We still have our communication issues, but it is getting much better. It has been major for him to except shorts and sandals with no socks. The change of season has been hard on him. He doesn't handle change real well :)
We'll be gone to my mom and dad's cabin this weekend. The weather is supposed to be nice and we are going to try and sell a few things in a small garage sale. Hopefully enough for a "tag-a-long" style bike for the kids. That is the goal! Happy Memorial Day!